Monday, February 22, 2016

Session: Ambushing rebels, fighting twin Inquisitors, Hutta porn, and a Nice Rich Lady’s offer (Feb 20, 2016)

from the perspective of Kyth

Kyth (Ben)
R4 “Ray” (Stephanie) - R4 unit with many guns inside
Rennek (Erik) - Human force-user with lightsaber. Very anti-imperial.
Zal (Kate) - female human force-sensitive pilot
“Trank" Moldovia (Barbara) - human aristocrat, Rebel Alliance Agitator, team leader
Garry (Steve) - Wookie bodyguard to Trank
Vendri (Damon) - Duros mechanic/slicer

(We begin in-fight, picking up from last session’s ambush on what turned out to be a Rebel-controlled cargo ship)

As soon as the two Imperial warships appear, Rennek, Zal, and Kyth feel a powerful force presence. All three sense that there is a pair of powerful force-users present, who are using the force to try to dominate the fight, but more specifically the three force users in the group. Kyth is overwhelmed (gaining 2 setback die for the entire encounter). Zal shrugs it off, focusing on the fight at hand. Rennek is able to push back, getting brief visions of who the force-users are as well as some surface-level thoughts from their mind.

Vendri, thinking quickly, transmits his Rebel command codes to the Rebel vessel. They accept the transmission and agree to work together to escape.

Tactical situation: each inquisitor is commanding an imperial warship. One imperial warship heads towards the Dominator; the other heads towards the revel vessel. Each launches a foursome of TIE fighters, sending them after their intended quarry.

Trank inspires us all. Zal punches it, recklessly (but effectively) getting enough speed from her engines to intercept the TIE foursome heading for the rebel ship. R4 splits off to intercept the other TIE foursome, unfortunately immediately coming under concentrated fire from her opponents. Her ship is destroyed; she ejects safely. The other foursome split up, two focusing on Zal while the remainder continue after the Rebel vessel. Zal is hit hard, but keeps her ship flying. The two focusing on the rebel vessel knock out its primary hyperdrive, and the vessel’s crew scramble to switch over to the backup. Rennek escorts our shuttle to the Rebel vessel. Kyth and Garry rush to Ray’s assistance, intercepting that full-strength foursome and quickly cutting their numbers down. Ray grapples onto Kyth’s ship and takes up a position as a co-pilot and gunner.

The Imperial warships close on their targets (unfortunately, the further one has decided that Zal—as a force-sensitive rebel pilot—is a priority target, and fires a proton torpedo on her). Rennek peels off to intercept the torpedo just as Zals ship is disabled by her TIE opponents (but not before splashing one).

The Imperial warships continue to bear down on their quarry as Garry, Ray, and Kyth finish up their engagement and rush to support Zal and Rennek. The Dominator destroys one Imperial warship, but we see a single fighter ship escape to hyperspace (likely the Inquisitor). As the remainder TIE fighters are mopped up, the remaining Imperial warship acquires Zal’s inert ship in their tractor beam, then begin turning to move away. Rennek and Garry, struggling to close the distance, target the warship’s engines, trying to slow down its escape in order to mount a rescue effort for Zal.

Meanwhile, Vendri and Trank finish their approach to the rebel vessel. Just before docking, Vendri attempts to scan the imperial warship. He fails at his primary task, but does manage to use the signal to knock out a number of the ship’s weapon systems (one or two main auto-cannon batteries as well as its proton launchers). Once they dock with the rebel vessel, they learn that the rebels had only (very) recently ambushed and taken the vessel themselves, with the intent of liberating the wookie slaves. After a brief exchange of information, they agree to help as they can, giving Trank the box we need. Vendri spends a few moments helping them bring their hyperdrive back online. Knowing they only have moments before the rebels need to jump to hyperspace, they reboard the shuttle and launch. The rebels disappear (not like they hyperspace, though, strangely).

Zal, just locked onto by the Imperial warship’s docking clamp, unable to get her ship running again, and knowing she has only moments before she’s pulled aboard, refuses to go down without a fight. She manages to manually activate a missile and launch it directly into the tractor beam projector .. at point blank. “I got this,” she says confidently over the comms, then big explosions happen. The team can’t see her or any signal of her, just the debris of her ship and the the damage to the Imperial warship. The warship, suddenly outgunned, jumps to hyperspace, leaving a debris-strewn battlefield.

The team searches for Zal, who floats unconscious in the debris. Not knowing what else to do, Kyth tries to use the force to get a vision of where she is. He tells the team she’s alive but they must hurry. Rennek leads the search effort. They find her and—after guiding Vendri in his shuttle close—Rennek force pushes her into the shuttle. They limp back to the Dominator, where they get a cold reception from the pirate crew.

Aboard the Dominator, we want to debrief and talk, but we suspect we’re being watched. We search for surveillance equipment with no luck. R4 does, however, find a hidden compartment under the bunk in the room we’re using. in it she finds disgusting Hutta porn, which was owned (and possibly stars?) the pirate Vereeshi (spelling?). We do our best not to vomit, then hold it as future blackmail material. Not knowing how else to use the trip back to Vaynai, the team rests, except for Trank, who goes around effectively demoralizing the pirate crew.

We land at Vaynai. Most of the crew, deserving a celebration, enjoys some delicious pie (on Trank’s dime). Rennek and R4 head off by themselves, Kyth goes with them. After a stop in some markets, we’re stopped by some thugs led by a pair of Rodian bounty hunters. They get the drop on us, weapons out, and tell us to go with them. R4, in a moment of brilliance, flips on her comms, broadcasting our conversation to the rest of the team (who come quickly … after eating much pie). Not wanting to get smoked, the ambushed group goes with the thugs. They take us to the lift back up to the Mem Holdings, where we’re handed off to the Mem House guards (Weequay warriors of some sort). Once topside, we’re escorted to the Temple of Kooroo, where Rich Lady Mem has an extravagant picnic laid out. She offers us whatever we want, but wants to talk to us. She’s “interviewed” the Kooroo pilgrims that went with the Temple group from last session, and has gathered much information about what happened, but wants us to fill in the holes. Initially, the group is defiant and tries to deceive, which she quickly sees through. R4 is freaking the hell out. Kyth embraces a force vision to see if being honest is bad for us and finds that her requests are authentic and she genuinely bears no ill-will towards us personally. She just wants information on the temple and what happened. Without Trank to diplomacize her ass, we answer her questions without offering any details of each of our unique cave experiences.

Luckily, Trank arrives (looking very dapper) and intervenes. Rich Lady Mem offers us a deal. In repayment for the bad treatment we experienced at the hands of the thugs her men sent for us (which we believe she genuinely didn’t intend for us), as well as in exchange for future help activating and accessing the Temple and whatever else we find on the other side of the temple transportation, she will give us a few things. First she will give us a safe, discrete, and rebel-friendly (read: no Imperial interference) place to operate on her island. She will supply the Rebel with a large amount of stim pack to the Rebellion (enough to match that offered to the Empire). She will pay all docking fees for our ship. And she will take care of the debt that Oneron has over Kyth. Trank accepts.

We’re shuttled to meet Oneron. When we arrive (greeted by “Paula?”?), we see Rich Lady Mem finishing up a meeting with Oneron. He bows at the conclusion. She greets us, then leaves. We give Oneron the box, completing the deal. He agrees to payment (we have a choice of a few ships that Darren will provide to us, and we’ll need to make the decision as a group). Then he informs Kyth that his debt has been paid by Rich Lady Mem (Kyth views this as a “out of the frying pan, into the fire” situation). Business completed, the group leaves, though Vendri hangs back and comes to an arrangement with Oneron for future business. As a mutual first effort, Vendri gives Oneron a little insight as to what really happened on the earlier job, and Oneron gives us Gibbs (the rebel pilot Kyth shot down, who has had former allied dealings with the crew, and who is being held in Oneron’s med bay). Gibbs is happy to see us (other than Kyth), and is released to come with us. After a brief conversation with Trank, the pilot disappears, intending to head back to check in with the Rebels.

End of session.
XP given: 20
Kyth needs to choose a Duty, now that he is being courted/groomed by the Rebels

Session: Gallow Mem, the Temple, the Boarding Job (Jan 29, 2016)

from the perspective of Kyth

Kyth (Ben)
R4 “Ray”(Stephanie) - R4 unit with many guns inside
Rennek (Erik) - Human force-user with lightsaber. Very anti-imperial
Val (Kate) - female human force-sensitive pilot
“Trank" Moldovia (Barbara) - human aristocrat, Rebel Alliance Agitator, team leader
Garry (Steve) - Wookie bodyguard to Trank
Vendors (Damon) - Duros mechanic/slicer

Borgo Hongs introduces Kyth to the team; instructs him to watch after them (the job: keep them out of trouble = gain 5,000 cr. Complications reduce credit payout and Obligation payoff). During introductions, R4's programming goes nuts when meeting Kyth.

After introductions, Kyth accompanies most of the team as they head up for a surface (rich folk) visit. Trank goes to visit Gallow Mem (a Nimbanel art collector of both legal and illegal items as well as all-round super-rich guy). She intends to talk him into becoming a benefactor for her mechanic friend’s new school for underprivileged children. The man's place is decorated with an impressive array of floral displays, but more striking is an immense collection of (illegal) force-related historical items and Mandalorian items. She is successful in her efforts, but also meets Mem’s wife, a powerful woman who seems to control Mem and practices combat on her droids (evidence is that she is practicing lightsaber and force lightning, but rolls are insufficient for R4 of the princess to actually ID it as such). R4 is the one to learn of this, and calls for them to leave quickly. After securing the financial backing, the princess leaves. They rendezvous back at the busted up ship, where Vendri has been helping repair the Security systems.

Meanwhile, Kyth goes with Rennek, Val, and Garry to see a force-related temple (of Kooroo?) on Mem’s property. They go as blue-cloaked religious pilgrims. They go under heavy security and are also accompanied by 4 other pilgrims, all older (can’t remember the races). They are allowed to bring no weapons or electronic devices. When there, they hold hands and join in on a pilgrim’s “prayer” chant, successfully convincing the other pilgrims that they are really pilgrims themselves. Unfortunately, the 3 force-users’ powers activate something in the temple, and the floor spins and drops out. It’s disorienting. After a time, the room stops spinning, but it’s quickly obvious it’s another room. It’s freezing. Kyth opens door to reveal frozen expanse as far as the eye can see … our best guess is that it’s a different planet. These temples are force-related, and are apparently transporters. They look around. Kyth finds a pictogram that suggests instructions on activating the temple. Rennek somehow activates some spiral stairs down. When they open, all the force-sensitives begin hearing a note in their mind (each is unique). When followed, each is taken a different direction in the caverns below the temple.

Kyth finds some green/blue crystal that calls to him. He approaches. When he reaches out to grab it, he’s immediately encased in some kind of geode. He tries to break out, only to be hurt. The strain of the moment is incredibly overwhelming. As he tries not to panic while straining to figure out how to escape, a female voice tells him to relax and draw the crystal to him. He asks who it is … no answer. After a few unsuccessful tests (to get to it in other ways), he follows the advice. Finally, the crystal floats to him. Exhausted, afraid, and frustrated, he pockets the crystal and goes back to meet the team.

They go back up to the temple. The old pilgrims have figured out how to return. They chant again, returning to Mem’s temple. The whole time seems like it was nearly a full day. We overhear the local guards mentions it was only a few hours. After Coercing the fellow pilgrims to keep quiet about the whole thing, we quickly leave and head back down into the tunnels, where we report much of what happened.

Much discussion ensues, relaying most of what happened to all parties. Rennek is convinced that Mem's wife is Sith (and likely secretly supported by Empire); Princess and the Vendri remain unconvinced, thinking her simply an impressive noble with exotic hobbies.

The next morning, we get the green light for the team’s next mission. Kyth goes along to help. They are to help a pirate lady (known as Dominator, who Kyth doesn’t like, but is another employee of Oneron) board a ship and steal the cargo. Our team wants to liberate the wookie slaves they’ve heard are also onboard.

We impress her with our pilot's kick-ass pilotry, boarding her ship before she knows we're coming.

After a quick last-minute review of the job, we load up in our 5 borrowed “V-wing Interceptors” (flown by Val, Rennek, Kyth, R4, Garry) and 1 shuttle (piloted by Duros, passenger Princess) and await the ambush. The target ship appears, the trap is sprung. Val and Kyth rush forward as the target ship launches its own fighters. Kyth quickly shoots one down with a rocket. As our shuttle comes forward and tries to scramble their comms, he overhears that it’s a Rebel Alliance ship. At the same time, a pair of Imperial warships drop out of hyperspace and demand all of us stand down to be boarded.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Vaynai System NPC's


Inquisitors Sadesta and Qual = (Sadist) and (Agony in German)  

Streysel Island

Gallo Memm: 

a Nimbanel aristocrat and crime lord who owns Streysel Island on the planet Vaynai. He and his wife are enthusiastic collectors of rare artifacts.

Vartha Memm - Alien wife of Gallo Mem. Lightsaber and electricity enthusiast.

Oneron Fil'vye:

Oneron Fil'vye was a Bothan male who owns and operates the shipping company Fil'vye Transport. His corporate headquarters resided within Fil'vye Transport Tower, which is located off the shores of Streysel Island on the world of Vaynai.

Fil'vye's legitimate business mainly catered toward corporate customers who required the transportation of sensitive cargoes across interstellar distances. This was, however, effectively a cover for his more profitable endeavors; he funded a large number of smuggling operations and was one of the major suppliers of Slick, a substance fermented from seaweed oil that had medicinal properties and could be used as a recreational drug throughout the galaxy.


Capt Venthra Zeeshi Zabrak - Dathomirian Pirate captain and force Emergent.
“The Dominator” is her CR-90
Uncle Nyvs - Sullustan Diner owner
Preena - Human Mechanic
Borgo Hongs, a weequay one-time bounty hunter who's moved into the recruitment business for Oneron. Recruited

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Vaynai was a resort planet located within the Vaynai system of the Outer Rim Territories on the Perlemian Trade Route.

Situated between the Tion Cluster and the Corporate Sector, approximately three hours from Lianna via hyperspace. Vaynai is almost totally covered in one vast, shallow ocean with the exception of a chain of island mesas upon which the planet's only starport was constructed.

Vaynai is a very rainy planet which is home to a group of islands. Most of the planet is, however, covered by shallow seas, where a variety is native life forms. The islands are mountainous, but the mountains themselves is historically a young part of the planet where criminals are sent for capital punishments.

Vaynai's oceans teemed with life and were plied by 110-meter long harvester-processor ships run by the Ocean Harvesters. In addition to edible fish, such as Cripe, Glaav and cliff-snails, Vaynai's oceans contained a form of seaweed which could be processed into a medicinal substance known as "Slick", which could speed healing when applied to wounds or ingested. Slick's major side effect was that it induced a temporary state of euphoric delirium, which led to recreational abuse of the substance among some customers.

Each of the islands on Vaynai hosts several districts, each with its own character, depending on the location have. The highest areas are inhabited by the aristocrats and their entourages. Companies of upscale segment of the population and their residential areas encircle the islands, as well as ports. In the inner areas there are the branches of the ordinary population and staff. Vaynai offers a variety of landing facilities for visitors, with docking bays on the cliffs.

Corrupt aristocrats dominated Vaynai, profiting from its aquaculture industry and constructing lush towers atop islands of the Vaynai Archipelago, such as Streysel Island. They defended their airspaces with anti-aircraft weaponry. The planet's less fortunate dwelt underground in artificially-created caverns. During the Galactic Empire, the world also catered to the rich and famous and had a booming tourist industry. Its remote location also attracted criminals and smugglers.

Among the upper classes often found former senators , former officers of any military and aristocrats who often come from completely different systems. The wealthy businessmen are just as often successful criminals as respectable businessmen. Many use their property only for annual visits, as residences, others use it as headquarters. They settle on the flat grasslands of the islands. The islands themselves are each owned by one of the persons of this high society. Streysel Island was owned by Gallo Memm , an eccentric art collector and his beautiful and mysterious wife Vartha Memm.

The Shrines of Kooroo

The Shrines of Kooroo or Temples of Kooroo were ancient stone monuments on several planets. Although their builders and purpose were a mystery, they were claimed by the Fellowship of Kooroo to have been built to honor Kooroo.

The Shrines were all constructed according to the same basic plan. They had three levels, the lower two enclosed, and the upper open, with stone pillars supporting a roof. The enclosed chambers were accessible through doors, and sometimes contained untranslated hieroglyphics, art or even holograms. Around the Shrine, as much as 100 meters, were obelisks and standing stones arranged in a regular pattern.

Force-sensitives reported that the Shrines contained an "echo" effect, reflecting back their senses and permitting visions light years away.

Experts dated the Shrines to be more than 20,000 years old. They were located on planets throughout the Outer Rim, including Gelgelar, Boztrok, Sufezz, Illum, Onderon, Branteez, and Vaynai. The vast distance between Gelgelar, inside or in the vicinity of Elrood sector, and Vaynai, near the Corporate Sector, indicates a very wide distribution of sites. A theory said that they were part of an ancient teleportation network.

The Boiling Sea

The Boiling Sea was a small landlocked body of water that bubbled and steamed during the summer months on Drall, thus warranting its name. The effect was not due merely to summer heat, but to a massive summer algae bloom. The algae released bubbles of gas when they died. The algae blooms provided food for the local ibbots. The banks of the Boiling Sea became a popular tourist attraction for the Drall and eventually sparked a lucrative offworld tourist industry, featuring resorts, health spas (such as the Luminous Gardens), hiking tours, and campgrounds. North of the sea was the region of Mastigophorous, ruled by the Duchess Marcha mother to Vartha Memm.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

People, Places, Flora, Fauna of Onderon

"Onderonians are a hardy lot even the Imperials that live and work on the base are mostly hardened veterans who know the dangers of the jungle."  - Onka Jaiwick

Onderonians of the Jungle

Villagers of Darastead: No more than a scant collection of buildings surrounded by a fence of wooden stakes and barbed wire. Most of its structures are crude huts made from local materials, but there are a few large duracrete prefabs that are used as meeting halls or other public necessities. None of the buildings are in good repair, especially the prefabs, which date back to the village’s founding over a century ago. The villagers keep them in order as well as they can with their limited tools and supplies, but even the sturdy duracrete has begun to crumble under the harsh jungle conditions. 

There are perhaps a little over a hundred villagers living in Darrastead, although many are often gone from the village at any given time. Some hunt the local beasts for food or to drive away predators, while others trade for vital supplies at the markets of Iziz, traveling to and from the city on rickety old landspeeders. Those who remain in the village devote their time to maintaining the village’s limited supplies and technology, patching wear-and-tear on the buildings, or preparing food and medicine. The demands of the Imperials at Whisper Base frequently made this difficult life even harder, as the most able workers of the village were called away from where they could support their families.

Oppressed by the Moff Dardano's troops, most the villagers had been press-ganged into service to build Whisper Base.  With the Rebels help they now have enough food and shelter to survive the harsher seasons, many young recruits have shown interest in joining the rebellion to free Onderon from the Empire.  However the rest of the villagers follow the guidance of their elder, Deil Kadru, and keep to themselves whenever possible.

  • Diel Kadru: The elder of Darrastead is an old, white-haired human woman. She is still spry for her age, although too frail for much heavy labor or exertion. She wears simple clothes in brown and green with the only indication of her station being a cloak of slightly finer material. Despite her unassuming appearance, Deil’s eyes blaze with a keen intellect and fierce spirit to those willing to look past the surface. Drives a custom racing swoop from her 'wilder days'.
  • Firil Kadru: Diel's grandson blessed with the same keen intelligence and ferocity of his grandmother, Firil has shown signs that he to join the Rebels and take the fight to the Empire for his home.

Warriors of the Clazka Tribe (beast riders): “The Beast Riders? A frightening folk, they are.
Lawless people, dwelling out in the deep jungle alongside the worst of the monsters. I know the cityfolk in Iziz might call us barbarians, but we can’t help being poor and in a bad place. If I had
the credits for a nice house out of the rain, believe me, I’d be long gone! The Beast Riders choose
to live out here in the wilds, though. They tame great flying rupings, which hardly seems possible
to me, and use them to hunt anything they don’t like, beast or sentient alike. They leave us in the village alone, but I can’t tell if that’s because they like us or they don’t think we’d provide any
sport. Imperial patrols are another matter. I’ve heard they’re not all that fond of those.”
- Darrastead Villager

Olko Baz - A great warleader for the Clazca tribe Olko is everything you would find in a nobile savage.  Honor and strength is what he respects the most.

“I am Olko Baz of the Clazca, rider of the mighty ruping Watchwing, hunter of these lands. Songs sung by my great-grandchildren will tell of me as slayer of cave-horror and wind-terror. These are my comrades of the wing, Foth Shemar and Pokk”.

Froth Shemar - A strong beautiful female protege to Olko who secretly loves her warleader but is unable to let her love be known for fear of being perceived weak. 

“We are the Clazca, and we are the Beast Riders. All those who know the freedom of the skies as we do are one people, but it is difficult enough to gather even one tribe across a world of jungle. The Clazca are all those who dwell in this region. Beyond our borders, there are the Dor-drel, the Amroth, and the Ezelk. Farther, there are other tribes. Our tales say we were once more numerous than we are now, but we are still enough to know more of this jungle than your speeder could cover in many days.”

Pokk - Tallest of his tribe and nearly as strong as a wookie Pokk is not the sharpest of Tribesmen but good a natured and a cunning hunter.

“We know little of your Rebellion, and can only judge those who stand before us. Prove yourselves worthy, and we shall perhaps help you. If this helps your cause as well, then so be it. We do not wage war in the same ways you do, but we shall always fight for our friends and against our enemies.”

Iziz (Capital City)


  • Kavia Slen: Although a veteran of some of the worst battles in the Clone Wars, Kavia Slen has adapted quite well to civilian life. She talks about her business with the slick ease of a used speeder saleswoman. However, the efficiency with which she dismantles military hardware, weaponry, and ordnance is a clear reminder of the junk dealer’s combat experience.
    • Kavia has a seeder side and has some dealings with Yan'so and his gang.


Yan'so Hun'aht: Bar none the slipperiest and most jovial pirate in twelve systems. He is wanted on charges for smuggling, extortion, and numerous assaults on constabulary officials (Imperials all), however he has never committed a crime against an average hard working citizen. Most of his 'victims' have been rivals, Imperials and "those few fools who should know better", noble upperclass have found themselves at the end of his gang's blasters.  Only the stupid would assume he is a pirate with a golden heart, he is an opportunist first and foremost.

Although he would prefer to cooly talk, bribe or blackmail his way thru a deal, Yan'so is quite  accustomed to fighting. In fact more than a dozen foolish bounty-hunters, assassins and rivals have met their ends at his sword point or blaster.

Tall blond human with his loya Monkey-lizard always at his side, Yan'so is charming outwardly calm even under pressure.   As the adopted gods-son of the infamous pirate Hando Ohnaka of the Ohnaka gang, Yan'so has taken to his god-fathers old ways in hopes of even greater "fortune and fame".

Hun'aht gang is relatively new to the criminal underworld, however what they lack in numbers they make up for diversity, panache and ferocity.  A pair of trandoshan body guard enforcers (Hazk and Sizlk), a twi'lek assassin wielding a lightsaber, two dozen Wequay pirate defectors from the Ohnaka clan and several scores of toughs work for Yan'so who pays well for their loyalty. Hun'aht clan has grown in notoriety, so much so that the Hutt Cartel has them on retainer as contractors used for enforcement, privateering, smuggling, racketeering, and distribution outside of Hutt controlled space. Gives the cartel deniability and affords Yan'so backing of the Hutts for his burgeoning gang of criminals.

Yan'so being a true prodigy of Hondo won't keep this arrangement for long, as he has higher aspirations for his troupe of misanthropes.

The Empire (Jyrenne Base): 

Whisper Base was not the only Imperial installation on Onderon, nor even the most significant. A major Imperial Army-Navy ordnance center vital to the Empire’s supply lines is located near the capital city of Iziz, which accounts for the Empire’s interest in the world’s security. Moff Dardano saw the frequent traffic to and from Jyrenne Base as a major asset both in covering up his own operations and as a source of intelligence on his rival, Admiral Corlen, under whose command the base operates. The Rebel Alliance is interested in using the Moff’s work as a stepping stone to this much better secured target. For now, Jyrenne Base is to be avoided by sensible Rebel agents as there is a constant Imperial presence including a full garrison of stormtroopers and frequent visits from Army groups and Navy patrols.

  • Moff Dardano - Cruel, cold calculating and extremely paranoid which is why he commissioned Whisper Base to listen in on Admiral Corlen whom the Moff sees as a rival.

  • Admiral Corlen - Not much is known about the Admiral, thus the Moff's constant concern about him.  Officially Admiral Corlen hails from a powerful lineage of Core World nobles who are affronted at some of the liberties the Emperor’s New Order has taken with its power. Although most of his family is content to mutter salacious gossip about the Empire, the Admiral seems to be a by-the-book Imperial leader.

  • Verala Mishar - Finally, every two weeks for the last year, she has covertly flown her Lambda-class shuttle from Iziz to Whisper Base carrying supplies (food, ammunition, fuel, and the like), and initially she has no reason to suspect that the rebels have captured the base. Verala is taking bribes from Moff Dardano to deliver the supplies, but she reports to Admiral Corlen. If she were to disappear, then Corlen's forces might start to ask questions about where she went. 

Flora / Fauna

  • Tarja fruit: A spiky rhined fruit that is sweet to the taste, the outer skin is often distilled to make a powerful alcohol it comes mainly from Dxun and some small groves on Onderan. Thus it's expense. 

  • Bomba: Boma are hardy creatures covered in thick green scales, and have squat faces flanked by short horns and razor tusks. Though most boma are not especially large, this is more due to the high mortality rate of most species native to Dxun than any inherent limitation on their growth. Boma can become enormous in size if they live long enough, though the largest specimens never approach the size of even a young zakkeg.
  • Cannok: The toad-like cannoks are most noted for their bulging eyestalks and their huge, toothy maws, but they can also be recognized by their mottled yellow-green hides and their four broad, three-clawed feet. They are notably insatiable, and eat anything that they can manage to swallow—a wide-ranging category, given the size of their gullet. To make matters worse, cannoks frequently run in packs of three or more, allowing them to threaten prey that would normally be able to overcome a lone example of their kind. Though very near the bottom of Dxun’s food chain, they are not to be trifled with by most foreign species.

  • Ruping: Graceful, powerfully built reptavians native to the jungles of Onderon. These lean, well-muscled creatures have immense leathery wings that span the length of their rangy arms. Quadrocular vision and sensitive ears make a ruping keenly aware of its surroundings. Jungle-dwelling Onderonians have domesticated the rupings as beasts of transport. Historically, these people have been outcasts from the walled civilization centers of Onderon, and rupings are essential for transport and escape from the dangers of the dense jungle underbrush. Rupings nest in flocks atop the highlands of the Onderon wilderness.
  • Zakkeg: A full-grown zakkeg is a behemoth of vast proportions with a terrible temperament, and one of the top predators of an ecosystem renowned for its lethal fauna. Fully grown zakkeg are too massive and noisy to ambush even the most abysmally unwary creatures, as their travel through the jungle can generally be heard from kilometer away. As such, the only reason for the anyone to encounter a fully-grown zakkeg is if they are foolhardy enough to seek one out... 

Dxun, the Demon 

Although Onderon’s local fauna is infamous for its aggression, the monstrous beasts dwelling on the moon of Dxun are the true terrors of the system. Dxun is the largest of Onderon’s four satellites, and is covered by a dense jungle similar to that of the world it orbits. The similarity between the ecosystems of Onderon and Dxun can likely be attributed to a quirk of the moon’s orbit that brings its atmosphere into contact with that of Onderon once a year, allowing a few specially adapted life forms (such as the massive, flying rupings) to travel between them.
However, every terrible trait of Onderon’s wilderness is multiplied a hundredfold by the monstrous
beasts of the Demon Moon. From reptilian boma to the near-invisible maalraas, Dxun’s fauna are almost invariably aggressive predators capable of threatening or overwhelming even prepared and well-armed hunters. The unchallenged apex predator of the deadly moon is the zakkeg, a massive and ill-tempered quadruped species covered in thick armored scales capable of withstanding even concentrated blaster fire. Naturally, Dxun is rarely visited except by the most ambitious of big-game hunters. The Beast Riders of Onderon also exploit the Demon Moon’s strange orbit to send young warriors up on rites of passage, and to allow their skilled hunters to earn glory by testing themselves against the most terrible beasts they can find.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Operation: Shadowpoint

SPOILER ALERT: If you are a player who has not played this game read no further as this contains in game spoilers, You have been warned.

You have seized Whisper Base, but there is plenty of work still to be done in order to turn the base into an asset for the Rebellion. The base is in disarray after your attack, with much of the equipment and ordnance damaged or expended, and the Imperial support staff is hardly available to assist you. If you intend to turn this operation into a real success, you’ll need to resupply the base with new equipment and find some agents who can help you maintain it properly. The base’s Signal Intelligence array should be able to provide you with useful information on valuable targets in the area, but you also need to keep an eye out for the return of Moff Dardano’s forces. He’s bound to discover the loss of Whisper Base eventually, and that’s a vulnerability he can’t afford. Sooner or later, the Moff’s forces are sure to come knocking.

With Lieutenant Sarev out of the way, Whisper Base is yours. Moff Dardano will eventually realize that his listening post is no longer active—still, you've won a great victory today, and a chance to prepare for the coming storm. Operation: Shadowpoint begins.

Although you have seized the Imperial installation on the planet of Onderon, once called “Whisper Base,” for the Rebel Alliance. Having killed  its commanding officer, Lieutenant Sarev, and dealt similarly with the remaining staff of the base. You now have access to a secret, off-the-books facility plugged into the Imperial communications network—a powerful resource for the struggling Rebellion. However, while the Imperial
bureaucracy at large does not have any knowledge of the base, your small group must still contend with its master and originator, Moff Dardano.

One of eight planets in the Japrael system, Onderon had a temperate climate, and was once home to a primitive race of Humanoids.

"Onderon? Nothing on that rock but monsters and beast riders." ―Tallo

Onderon had four moons. Dxun, the primary moon, once orbited very close to the planet, allowing some animals to fly between the planet and the moon. The other three moons were Dagri, Evas and Suthre.
The native Humans of Onderon struggled against the beasts, eventually gathering new technologies and building a huge walled city, Iziz, to protect themselves. Like the people of many other fringe worlds, the Onderonians had a distrust of non-Humans.

Take over at Whisper Base

SPOILER ALERT: If you are a player who has not played this game read no further as this contains in game spoilers, You have been warned.