Kyth (Ben)
R4 “Ray” (Stephanie) - R4 unit with many guns inside
Rennek (Erik) - Human force-user with lightsaber. Very anti-imperial.
Zal (Kate) - female human force-sensitive pilot
“Trank" Moldovia (Barbara) - human aristocrat, Rebel Alliance Agitator, team leader
Garry (Steve) - Wookie bodyguard to Trank
Vendri (Damon) - Duros mechanic/slicer
(We begin in-fight, picking up from last session’s ambush on what turned out to be a Rebel-controlled cargo ship)
As soon as the two Imperial warships appear, Rennek, Zal, and Kyth feel a powerful force presence. All three sense that there is a pair of powerful force-users present, who are using the force to try to dominate the fight, but more specifically the three force users in the group. Kyth is overwhelmed (gaining 2 setback die for the entire encounter). Zal shrugs it off, focusing on the fight at hand. Rennek is able to push back, getting brief visions of who the force-users are as well as some surface-level thoughts from their mind.
Vendri, thinking quickly, transmits his Rebel command codes to the Rebel vessel. They accept the transmission and agree to work together to escape.
Tactical situation: each inquisitor is commanding an imperial warship. One imperial warship heads towards the Dominator; the other heads towards the revel vessel. Each launches a foursome of TIE fighters, sending them after their intended quarry.
Trank inspires us all. Zal punches it, recklessly (but effectively) getting enough speed from her engines to intercept the TIE foursome heading for the rebel ship. R4 splits off to intercept the other TIE foursome, unfortunately immediately coming under concentrated fire from her opponents. Her ship is destroyed; she ejects safely. The other foursome split up, two focusing on Zal while the remainder continue after the Rebel vessel. Zal is hit hard, but keeps her ship flying. The two focusing on the rebel vessel knock out its primary hyperdrive, and the vessel’s crew scramble to switch over to the backup. Rennek escorts our shuttle to the Rebel vessel. Kyth and Garry rush to Ray’s assistance, intercepting that full-strength foursome and quickly cutting their numbers down. Ray grapples onto Kyth’s ship and takes up a position as a co-pilot and gunner.
The Imperial warships close on their targets (unfortunately, the further one has decided that Zal—as a force-sensitive rebel pilot—is a priority target, and fires a proton torpedo on her). Rennek peels off to intercept the torpedo just as Zals ship is disabled by her TIE opponents (but not before splashing one).
The Imperial warships continue to bear down on their quarry as Garry, Ray, and Kyth finish up their engagement and rush to support Zal and Rennek. The Dominator destroys one Imperial warship, but we see a single fighter ship escape to hyperspace (likely the Inquisitor). As the remainder TIE fighters are mopped up, the remaining Imperial warship acquires Zal’s inert ship in their tractor beam, then begin turning to move away. Rennek and Garry, struggling to close the distance, target the warship’s engines, trying to slow down its escape in order to mount a rescue effort for Zal.
Meanwhile, Vendri and Trank finish their approach to the rebel vessel. Just before docking, Vendri attempts to scan the imperial warship. He fails at his primary task, but does manage to use the signal to knock out a number of the ship’s weapon systems (one or two main auto-cannon batteries as well as its proton launchers). Once they dock with the rebel vessel, they learn that the rebels had only (very) recently ambushed and taken the vessel themselves, with the intent of liberating the wookie slaves. After a brief exchange of information, they agree to help as they can, giving Trank the box we need. Vendri spends a few moments helping them bring their hyperdrive back online. Knowing they only have moments before the rebels need to jump to hyperspace, they reboard the shuttle and launch. The rebels disappear (not like they hyperspace, though, strangely).
Zal, just locked onto by the Imperial warship’s docking clamp, unable to get her ship running again, and knowing she has only moments before she’s pulled aboard, refuses to go down without a fight. She manages to manually activate a missile and launch it directly into the tractor beam projector .. at point blank. “I got this,” she says confidently over the comms, then big explosions happen. The team can’t see her or any signal of her, just the debris of her ship and the the damage to the Imperial warship. The warship, suddenly outgunned, jumps to hyperspace, leaving a debris-strewn battlefield.
The team searches for Zal, who floats unconscious in the debris. Not knowing what else to do, Kyth tries to use the force to get a vision of where she is. He tells the team she’s alive but they must hurry. Rennek leads the search effort. They find her and—after guiding Vendri in his shuttle close—Rennek force pushes her into the shuttle. They limp back to the Dominator, where they get a cold reception from the pirate crew.
Aboard the Dominator, we want to debrief and talk, but we suspect we’re being watched. We search for surveillance equipment with no luck. R4 does, however, find a hidden compartment under the bunk in the room we’re using. in it she finds disgusting Hutta porn, which was owned (and possibly stars?) the pirate Vereeshi (spelling?). We do our best not to vomit, then hold it as future blackmail material. Not knowing how else to use the trip back to Vaynai, the team rests, except for Trank, who goes around effectively demoralizing the pirate crew.
We land at Vaynai. Most of the crew, deserving a celebration, enjoys some delicious pie (on Trank’s dime). Rennek and R4 head off by themselves, Kyth goes with them. After a stop in some markets, we’re stopped by some thugs led by a pair of Rodian bounty hunters. They get the drop on us, weapons out, and tell us to go with them. R4, in a moment of brilliance, flips on her comms, broadcasting our conversation to the rest of the team (who come quickly … after eating much pie). Not wanting to get smoked, the ambushed group goes with the thugs. They take us to the lift back up to the Mem Holdings, where we’re handed off to the Mem House guards (Weequay warriors of some sort). Once topside, we’re escorted to the Temple of Kooroo, where Rich Lady Mem has an extravagant picnic laid out. She offers us whatever we want, but wants to talk to us. She’s “interviewed” the Kooroo pilgrims that went with the Temple group from last session, and has gathered much information about what happened, but wants us to fill in the holes. Initially, the group is defiant and tries to deceive, which she quickly sees through. R4 is freaking the hell out. Kyth embraces a force vision to see if being honest is bad for us and finds that her requests are authentic and she genuinely bears no ill-will towards us personally. She just wants information on the temple and what happened. Without Trank to diplomacize her ass, we answer her questions without offering any details of each of our unique cave experiences.
Luckily, Trank arrives (looking very dapper) and intervenes. Rich Lady Mem offers us a deal. In repayment for the bad treatment we experienced at the hands of the thugs her men sent for us (which we believe she genuinely didn’t intend for us), as well as in exchange for future help activating and accessing the Temple and whatever else we find on the other side of the temple transportation, she will give us a few things. First she will give us a safe, discrete, and rebel-friendly (read: no Imperial interference) place to operate on her island. She will supply the Rebel with a large amount of stim pack to the Rebellion (enough to match that offered to the Empire). She will pay all docking fees for our ship. And she will take care of the debt that Oneron has over Kyth. Trank accepts.
We’re shuttled to meet Oneron. When we arrive (greeted by “Paula?”?), we see Rich Lady Mem finishing up a meeting with Oneron. He bows at the conclusion. She greets us, then leaves. We give Oneron the box, completing the deal. He agrees to payment (we have a choice of a few ships that Darren will provide to us, and we’ll need to make the decision as a group). Then he informs Kyth that his debt has been paid by Rich Lady Mem (Kyth views this as a “out of the frying pan, into the fire” situation). Business completed, the group leaves, though Vendri hangs back and comes to an arrangement with Oneron for future business. As a mutual first effort, Vendri gives Oneron a little insight as to what really happened on the earlier job, and Oneron gives us Gibbs (the rebel pilot Kyth shot down, who has had former allied dealings with the crew, and who is being held in Oneron’s med bay). Gibbs is happy to see us (other than Kyth), and is released to come with us. After a brief conversation with Trank, the pilot disappears, intending to head back to check in with the Rebels.
End of session.
XP given: 20
Kyth needs to choose a Duty, now that he is being courted/groomed by the Rebels
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