Kyth (Ben)
R4 “Ray”(Stephanie) - R4 unit with many guns inside
Rennek (Erik) - Human force-user with lightsaber. Very anti-imperial
Val (Kate) - female human force-sensitive pilot
“Trank" Moldovia (Barbara) - human aristocrat, Rebel Alliance Agitator, team leader
Garry (Steve) - Wookie bodyguard to Trank
Vendors (Damon) - Duros mechanic/slicer
Borgo Hongs introduces Kyth to the team; instructs him to watch after them (the job: keep them out of trouble = gain 5,000 cr. Complications reduce credit payout and Obligation payoff). During introductions, R4's programming goes nuts when meeting Kyth.
After introductions, Kyth accompanies most of the team as they head up for a surface (rich folk) visit. Trank goes to visit Gallow Mem (a Nimbanel art collector of both legal and illegal items as well as all-round super-rich guy). She intends to talk him into becoming a benefactor for her mechanic friend’s new school for underprivileged children. The man's place is decorated with an impressive array of floral displays, but more striking is an immense collection of (illegal) force-related historical items and Mandalorian items. She is successful in her efforts, but also meets Mem’s wife, a powerful woman who seems to control Mem and practices combat on her droids (evidence is that she is practicing lightsaber and force lightning, but rolls are insufficient for R4 of the princess to actually ID it as such). R4 is the one to learn of this, and calls for them to leave quickly. After securing the financial backing, the princess leaves. They rendezvous back at the busted up ship, where Vendri has been helping repair the Security systems.
Meanwhile, Kyth goes with Rennek, Val, and Garry to see a force-related temple (of Kooroo?) on Mem’s property. They go as blue-cloaked religious pilgrims. They go under heavy security and are also accompanied by 4 other pilgrims, all older (can’t remember the races). They are allowed to bring no weapons or electronic devices. When there, they hold hands and join in on a pilgrim’s “prayer” chant, successfully convincing the other pilgrims that they are really pilgrims themselves. Unfortunately, the 3 force-users’ powers activate something in the temple, and the floor spins and drops out. It’s disorienting. After a time, the room stops spinning, but it’s quickly obvious it’s another room. It’s freezing. Kyth opens door to reveal frozen expanse as far as the eye can see … our best guess is that it’s a different planet. These temples are force-related, and are apparently transporters. They look around. Kyth finds a pictogram that suggests instructions on activating the temple. Rennek somehow activates some spiral stairs down. When they open, all the force-sensitives begin hearing a note in their mind (each is unique). When followed, each is taken a different direction in the caverns below the temple.
Kyth finds some green/blue crystal that calls to him. He approaches. When he reaches out to grab it, he’s immediately encased in some kind of geode. He tries to break out, only to be hurt. The strain of the moment is incredibly overwhelming. As he tries not to panic while straining to figure out how to escape, a female voice tells him to relax and draw the crystal to him. He asks who it is … no answer. After a few unsuccessful tests (to get to it in other ways), he follows the advice. Finally, the crystal floats to him. Exhausted, afraid, and frustrated, he pockets the crystal and goes back to meet the team.
They go back up to the temple. The old pilgrims have figured out how to return. They chant again, returning to Mem’s temple. The whole time seems like it was nearly a full day. We overhear the local guards mentions it was only a few hours. After Coercing the fellow pilgrims to keep quiet about the whole thing, we quickly leave and head back down into the tunnels, where we report much of what happened.
Much discussion ensues, relaying most of what happened to all parties. Rennek is convinced that Mem's wife is Sith (and likely secretly supported by Empire); Princess and the Vendri remain unconvinced, thinking her simply an impressive noble with exotic hobbies.
The next morning, we get the green light for the team’s next mission. Kyth goes along to help. They are to help a pirate lady (known as Dominator, who Kyth doesn’t like, but is another employee of Oneron) board a ship and steal the cargo. Our team wants to liberate the wookie slaves they’ve heard are also onboard.
We impress her with our pilot's kick-ass pilotry, boarding her ship before she knows we're coming.
After a quick last-minute review of the job, we load up in our 5 borrowed “V-wing Interceptors” (flown by Val, Rennek, Kyth, R4, Garry) and 1 shuttle (piloted by Duros, passenger Princess) and await the ambush. The target ship appears, the trap is sprung. Val and Kyth rush forward as the target ship launches its own fighters. Kyth quickly shoots one down with a rocket. As our shuttle comes forward and tries to scramble their comms, he overhears that it’s a Rebel Alliance ship. At the same time, a pair of Imperial warships drop out of hyperspace and demand all of us stand down to be boarded.
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